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Adding Lenders to Corporate Account

Adding Lenders to the corporate account so your Loan Originators can assess company approved Lenders only. Here are some key pieces of Lender information that are typically important for adding Lenders:

    • AE Name: Account Executive name.
    • AE NMLS & Title: This is essential for reporting and compliance.
    • Lender “Company” Name: It’s important for legal and financial documents.
    • Lender “Company ” NMLS: This is essential for reporting and compliance.
    • Lender “Company” Contact Information: This includes phone numbers and email addresses for inquiries and official communication.
    • Lender Comp %: Add each lender paid compensation for each lender and each state you are licensed in.
    • Mortgagee: Enter the lender’s mortgagee for title and for insurance.

*Corporate Admin only may add, edit or remove Corporate Information.

Gear Icon > Account Overview > Lenders > +New Lenders
Bulk upload Lenders

Do you have a long list of lenders you would like added to your corporate account? If so, PreApp can upload most lenders in one fell swoop.

  • Have your corporate administrator email your company’s list of lenders to  support@preapp1003.com.
  • Once the lenders are in your account, your corporate administration will need to:
    • Enter specific Lender information: AE, FHA ID, VA ID, Comp %, etc.
    • Verify and/or update Mortgagee Clauses’ information
    • Save changes by clicking blue “Update Lender” button.
Remove or Edit Lenders from Corporate Account

Under “Lender” in your Corporate Account Settings, you can remove or edit each lender.

Gear Icon > Account Overview > Lenders > Trashcan or Pencil icons

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