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Add Fannie Mae Credentials

Mortgage Broker’s and Loan Originators use Desktop Originator (DO) to access Fannie Mae’s automated mortgage loan underwriting system Desktop Underwriter (DU).

DO Login Info:

Enter your DO (Desktop Originator) username and password, the same credentials you use to log directly into Fannie Mae’s portal. Note that passwords are case-sensitive.

*Corporate DO credentials override individual loan originator DU credentials.  

DU Login Info:

DU Credentials are for Mortgage Lenders only.

DO/DU Credit Login Info:

Enter the same credentials you used to set-up your credit reports integration. Ensure to use the login information associated with your credit provider’s portal. Confirm the ‘Credit System‘ identifying name and its associated number with your credit provider to guarantee a seamless connection during the integration process.

*Keep your credit credentials current in both places: Fannie Mae and Credit Integrations.

Gear Icon > System Settings > PreApp Integrations > Credit Reports

*Verbal Credit Pull option is controlled by corporate administrator.

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